In the 3rd trimester, monitor your baby’s movements to Bond with your Bump EVERYDAY, preferably at the same time.
PICK A TIME based on when your baby is usually active. Make sure your regular bonding sessions are at a time when baby is commonly awake.
To get started, SIT with your feet up OR LIE on your side. Pay attention to each of you baby’s MOVEMENTS and get to know the little one growing inside you. How OFTEN does baby move? How STRONG is the movement? What is the PATTERN? Your baby already has a little personality, get to know your baby before birth.
You may like to LOG the experience, time or special moments in a chart, your phone, diary or app.
Consistency is key. Once you and your baby have established a bonding ROUTINE, try to stick to it.
If anything seems DIFFERENT OR IRREGULAR, contact your healthcare provider for a check-up straight away, no matter the time of day, DO NOT WAIT.
It’s important to remember that every baby, every body and every pregnancy is different. It may be that Bonding with Bump more than once a day is what suits you and your baby. Once a mother and bump have developed a routine, that’s what should remain consistent.