Written by Zoe Lent, for Still Aware
I have enough loss mum friends that I’ve just about heard all of the “what not to says” under the sun. While most of them are well intentioned, some are not, and instead come from the observers’ own selfish desire to feel “comfortable”, with little regard for the feelings and day to day realities of the family directly affected.
“At least” The things people say after this phrase. The worst one I heard was – “at least you can have a baby. Such and such (who incidentally was not in a relationship nor trying to get pregnant) may never have a baby”. Oh, okay. My baby died but I should be grateful I can get pregnant when people who aren’t even trying to get pregnant, may not. Thumbs up for logic. And as everyone knows, once you’ve lost a baby you are certainly guaranteed another, healthy babe, and a stress free subsequent pregnancy