It was January 1st, New Years day…my 32nd birthday.
It was such a hot Summers day, I was about 18 weeks pregnant and my husband had bought me a much welcomed chocolate paddle pop. I remember sitting on the couch with my then 6 yr old son enjoying our cold ice cream, however something wasn’t right I could not feel the movement of our baby…I was so concerned…but thought nothing of it at that moment.
A couple of weeks later at 21 weeks I went for my scan where we were told that our 3rd son was not growing properly. I was sent straight to hospital where I was told that I was losing our son, apparently there was no blood going to the baby and it was backing up in my placenta which in turn could kill me. We made the hard decision to terminate the pregnancy that day.
At 1:35am after a 10 hour natural labour, William, our tiny helpless little baby was born not breathing. A day doesn’t go by where I don’t think of him, wondering what he’d be like..he’d be in his first year of high school this year…
– Written by William’s mum, Naomi.